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Signing Carolina: Born in Carolina – serving the nation.
We provide certified mobile notary public closing agents for loan closings throughout the United States. Lenders and title companies use our signing agent services to their advantage, saving borrowers hundreds of dollars on closing costs.

We provide signing agent services for two types of loan signings:

Witness-only without attorney supervision
Our mobile notary signing agent services also include witness-only signings for loan closings without attorney supervision. These loan signings require witnessing and notarization. Our notary public signing agent would verify the identification of the borrower, make sure the documents are executed properly, signed properly, notarized completely and the loan package returned promptly. We can answer some Frequently Asked Questions about services by our mobile notaries public and signing agents!

As a complete signing agent services company that provides certified notary public closing agents for mobile loan closings, we meet your loan closing needs in all 50 states, including weekend and after hours closings. We provide loan closings when you want them, where you need them and at half the price of traditional closings. Most orders for mobile loan closings are filled within 5 minutes from receipt of the order!

Witness-only with attorney supervision
Our signing agent services by mobile notaries include witness-only signings with attorney supervision. These loan signings are supervised under the direction of an attorney in which Signing Carolina, Inc. handles the scheduling. If you need title work done, please email us and we can refer you to an attorney who can assist.

Please contact us for rate information.

Signing Carolina, Inc.
High Point, NC 27265
Phone: 336.905.7009 | Fax: 800.930.0554
[email protected]

Member of the National Notary Association